Make AdWords pay you back | The ULTIMATE AdWords Online Marketing Campaign Optimization Guide

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Hello Everyone! To start with, I obviously assume you followed our previous set of articles on Google AdWords. If you didn't, be sure to check them out HERE. And for those who have followed, this article will be a culmination of all those individual creations. The tiny bits and pieces of optimisations all wrapped up nicely in this singular article that will aim to provide you with the "last but definitely not the least" factor in...

Performance Metrics You Need to Watch for in Google AdWords

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Welcome back everyone! To use AdWords more effectively, it's important to understand the business goals you're trying to achieve and the data that's most relevant to those goals. Hence below we'll go over different metrics to focus on based on your goal. ...

The 3 Tools You Must Use to Measure your Google AdWords Campaign Performance

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Hello Everyone! As you get your campaign up and running, you'll want to consider several different tools that can help you measure and optimize your ad performance. Below we'll go over a few tools — Conversion Tracking, Google Analytics, and Campaign Experiments — that you can use to start measuring your Google AdWords online marketing campaign performance....

How to Evaluate your Online Marketing Performance in Google AdWords?

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Hello everyone! Now that you've learnt everything related to campaign/ad creation, it's time to measure your ad performance! You can analyze basic account, campaign, and ad group information using different data and reports available in AdWords. There are also advanced reports that go beyond the number of clicks or impressions you're getting, allowing you to see the impact AdWords has on your business....

Tools you must use to build your AdWords Online Marketing Campaign

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Hello once again everyone! As we have already seen all the campaign and ad creation tips in the previous lessons, I'll be focusing on some tools that'll greatly help you make more effective and targeted campaigns. Hence lets get started! AdWords offers several tools to help you build your campaigns and achieve your advertising goals, like the Keyword Planner and Display Planner. You can use Keyword Planner to build your Search Network...

How to create the ads that matter?

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Hello everyone! Once you've organized your campaign and decided on your campaign settings, the only thing you should be worried about are your ads or ad groups. Now as we've read in the previous lessons, An account is subdivided into several campaigns A campaign is subdivided into several ad groups Each ad groups further contains several ads that are derived from the same theme Hence in this lesson, the words "ad group" and "ads"...

Deciding Bids and Budgets for your AdWords Campaign

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Hello everyone! With the previous post focusing on targeting your ad campaigns, this one will lay emphasis on deciding bids and budgets for your AdWords campaigns. Hence lets get started! Once you decide which networks you want to show your ads on and who you want to show them to, you're ready to think about your budget. As you learned in the previous lessons, there are two things that you'll want to consider: Your budget Your bidding...

Targeting your Audience for Online Marketing

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Hello everyone! This is one of the most important lessons for your AdWords Certification Examinations I can tell you, hence pay attention to this lesson and read everything very carefully. With this, lets start with the lesson as it's going to be one long one. Showing your ads to the right customer is a key part of a successful advertising campaign that helps you reach your goals. Below, we'll review the different ways of targeting...

Structuring and Organizing Your Campaign

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Hello Everyone! Welcome to this lesson on structuring your AdWords Campaign. It is very important that before you begin creating your campaign, it's important to learn how AdWords is structured. A well-organized account can help you create effective campaigns that target the right audience and, ultimately, help you reach more of your advertising goals. AdWords is organized into three layers: Account: Your account is associated...

Choosing an AdWords Campaign Type

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Hello everyone! With this topic itself, we will be starting off with learning the more finer details of Google AdWords, having covered the introduction to the same comprehensively in the earlier articles. Let us begin with the study of campaign creation in AdWords! When you start setting up your AdWords campaign, you'll need to choose a campaign type and a campaign sub-type. The campaign type determines things like where your ads...

Giving A Budget To Your Campaign

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Hey there! In this lesson you'll be getting an idea as to what and for what do you pay at AdWords! Hence let's get started! AdWords gives you control over your advertising costs and there's no minimum amount that you have to spend. Instead, you set a daily budget and choose how you'll spend your money....

How Google Calculates Quality of Your Ad

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Welcome back everyone! In this article we are going to study about the parameters Google studies about your ad to rank in competitively in the advertising market, to make it rank higher or more often than other advertisers' ads. Surely you didn't assume that you were the only advertiser in the market, did you? To make it clear in a sentence, I'd say higher quality ads can not only be triggered to show more often (making it gain more...

The Google Display Network

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Hello everyone! Now that we have seen into Google Search Network we are ready to learn about the Google Display Network! Hence here we go!...

The Google Search Network

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Hey! So today we will be learning about Google Search Network, in continuation with our introduction about the Google Search and Display Networks we had in our previous lesson. In case you missed our previous lesson, I'd highly recommend you switch over and first read the introduction from the link below and then come back here. The Google Advertising Network So proceeding with today's lesson, to understand how your ads are shown...

The Google Advertising Network

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Greetings to everyone! Today we will be learning more about the Google's Advertising Networks, which, as you would notice is in a direct conflict with the topic of our lesson. The reason is that Google does not have a single advertising "network" but rather advertisers can implement two different advertising "networks" as below: Google Search Network Google Display Network With AdWords, your ads can show on one or both of Google's...

Benefits of Online Advertising and AdWords

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Hello everyone! As promised in the last post, let us start with our studies for Google AdWords Fundamentals Exam! In this lesson we would be learning the benefits of online advertising and how AdWords can help you achieve those in the most simple and effective ways possible....

Introduction to Online Advertsing and Marketing

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Hello Everyone! How are you all? My 2nd year semester exams just finished and I'm just too bored to continue with the the old topics again. So lets learn something new this summer! The fundamentals of Online Advertising/ Marketing!...

Queues, Deques and Priority Queues

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Hello! How are you? As we discussed in the previous post on stacks, The linear arrays discussed in the previous posts allows one to insert and delete at any position in the list – at the beginning, at the middle or at the end. There are certain frequent situations in computer science when one wants to restrict insertions and deletions so that they can take place only at the beginning or at the end of the list, not at the middle. Two...

Stacks in Data Structure

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Hello  everyone! The linear arrays discussed in the previous posts allows one to insert and delete at any position in the list – at the beginning, at the middle or at the end. There are certain frequent situations in computer science when one wants to restrict insertions and deletions so that they can take place only at the beginning or at the end of the list, not at the middle. Two of the data structures that are useful in...

Searching in Data Structures

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Hey Guys! How're you doing? Today we would look at another data structure operation, performed on linear arrays; Searching. This operation can be imagined as a person trying to search for a record amongst a list of records. Naturally we would also try to perform our search in the fastest possible time. Hence let us study more about searching in data structure, along with the two different approaches we can follow to perform searching...

Traversal, Insertion & Deletion in Arrays

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Hello people! How are you? In this lesson we would be performing insertion, deletion and traversal in an array. These are pretty straight forward data structure operations which I do not think you guys would have much difficulty in understanding. Hence lets get started!...

Algorithms, Complexity and Space-Time Tradeoff

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Hey guys! How're you doing! Today we will go through another conceptual topic of Algorithms and the related terminologies like Space-Time Tradeoff and Complexity of an algorithm. Hence lets get started!...

Data Structures | Introduction and Types

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Hello everyone! Today we are going to start with a new topic in general. Data Structures! Hence lets get started with an introduction!...

Bresenham’s Circle Algorithm

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Hey guys! Today we will be learning another approach to drawing circles in Computer Graphics. Basically another approach to the same task we tackled in the previous post. Bresenham’s Circle Algorithm follows the footsteps of Midpoint Circle Algorithm, both working for the same purpose in slightly different ways. Let us see how....

Graphic Design | Midpoint Circle Algorithm

Hi guys! How're you doing? If you've been following me, we have studied of two methods that help us in drawing a line; The DDA and Bresenham Line Algorithm. We would now want to hence extend our knowledge and draw different things, more complex than a line, isn't it? Here you have it, today we would learn about a method to draw circle. The Mid-Point Circle Algorithm...

Graphic Design | Bresenham's Line Algorithm

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Hey guys! How are you doing? In the last post here we learnt about the Digital Differential Analyzer Algorithm. It helps us to plot lines in a very easy way. However it is not the very best of the available approaches we have when it comes to plotting a line. For example, we have another technique called the Bresenham's Line Algorithm which we are going to study today, which is a much better approach than the Digital Differential...

Article Inspirations, Sources and Acknowledgements

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This article contains the possible sources referred to which subsequently helped in providing necessary motivation or the precise and lucid information, text or images that we try by all means to provide to our viewers, the ones we could not acknowledge elsewhere. This page can help anyone and everyone who wishes to check for acknowledgements, first and also second, those who wish to extend their knowledge on the topic by referring to these sources themselves, the ones we found absolutely awesome. The list will be updated...

Graphic Design | Digital Differential Analyzer (DDA) Algorithm

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Heyo everyone! How're you doing? Today we are going to understand a very basic algorithm in Computer Graphics, The DDA or Digital Differential Analyzer Algorithm. Now before we get started, we should get an understanding about what DDA is and also rather what an algorithm is. Now DDA is a line drawing algorithm. From all I can say right now, DDA is a basic algorithm used to print lines on your standard output ie. the monitor using,...

Computing logarithms and roots in MATLAB

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MATLAB: The Language of Technical Computing Welcome!  In today's post, we will be finding logarithms, both natural logarithms and logarithms to an arbitrary base. Also we would be finding roots of numbers; square roots, cube roots and eventually nth roots, where n can be any integer. Hence lets get started!...

Plotting Trigonometric Functions in MATLAB

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MATLAB: The Language of Technical Computing Welcome! Today's post is going to be exciting! We are going to finally use MATLAB to plot graphs! Plotting of graphs is a fundamental step in mathematical analysis. Plotting a graph helps us visualize the function the graph is of. Hence we must learn how to do it at an early stage. In this post, we are going to plot trigonometric functions like: sine cosine tangent secant cosecant cotangent Hence...

Rounding off numbers using Round, Floor, Ceil and Fix functions in MATLAB

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MATLAB: The Language of Technical Computing Welcome once again to a new session of MATLAB! Today we are going to learn some number rounding functions. Since numbers are what we deal with at almost all times in MATLAB, it is important we learn some operations upon them. Today's session will enable you to round off numbers in MATLAB in different ways according to the different needs one may face while working with MATLAB. The functions...

Finding Cumulative Sum of elements in a matrix with/without loops

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MATLAB: The Language of Technical Computing Hello and Welcome to everyone once again. Today we would be learning how to generate cumulative sum of elements with and without using loops. Chances are, if you didn't know what cumulative sum, loops and MATLAB are, you wouldn't be here in the first place, hence I wouldn't be taking the trouble of explaining cumulative sum or loops to you here. But still, for an introduction Cumulative...

Relational and Logical Operations in MATLAB

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MATLAB: The Language of Technical Computing Welcome once again, to a new post on MATLAB! Today as you might have read from the title, we are going to learn about Relational and Logical Operations that we can perform in MATLAB over arrays. Matrices can undergo relational and logical operations made up of GREATER/ LESSER THAN, (NOT) EQUAL TO, XOR, OR, AND, NOT operators in MATLAB. To learn that first, we must first learn about relational...

Matrix Manipulations

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MATLAB: The Language of Technical Computing Hey folks! Today's lesson is gonna go big! While the previous lesson was just on making simple matrices and performing simple operation over them, today's lesson is gonna go advanced. Once a matrix is made, it needs to be manipulated. Learn how to concatenate, index, randomize, sort, shift, reshape/resize, rotate, flip matrices with proper code snippets...

Creating a One and Two Dimensional Array/Matrix, Performing Arithmetic and Matrix operations

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MATLAB: The Language of Technical Computing Hello Everyone! Keeping in line with the previous group of rather diverse posts on MATLAB by one of our old partners, I'd like to continue them further with a more meaningful purpose. As in the title hence, this would be the first stepping stone in learning MATLAB from the basics :) If anyone of you would like to recap on their knowledge of MATLAB as a programming language,...

JAVA Fundamentals | Part 5 | Running JAVA programs using Command Prompt/ Terminal

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"Write Once, Run Anywhere!" Hello everyone once again! I set up the first initial posts with a hindsight of making anyone capable enough to know the jist of making and running a JAVA Program within the first few posts. Today's post is the last installment in that pursuit, teaching you how to make and run a JAVA program code WITHOUT using ANY IDE like NetBeans or Eclipse. This will surely help you if you are having troubles with downloading/installing/running...

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