JAVA Fundamentals | Part 4 | Accepting User Input, Finding Sum of Two Numbers, Using JAVA Online Doumentation

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"Write Once, Run Anywhere!" Welcome everyone to the next session in our JAVA Tutorials. In this tutorial, we would learn how to make a simple program to add two numbers by accepting the numbers from the user. Simultaneously we would learn how to use the online JAVA Documentation to refer to commonly used packages, classes and their respective methods used. Hence lets get started...

JAVA Fundamentals | Part 3 | Learning to print text on the monitor

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"Write Once, Run Anywhere!" Hey Folks! Continuing with our tutorials on JAVA, today we'll learn how to use some common functions to print text on the monitor screen. Like you'd remember from the Hello World example we saw in the last article, you may remember we used the following code to display "Hello World!" on the screen: System.out.println("Hello World!"); We also discussed that in this statement above, System is a class out...

JAVA Fundamentals | Part 2 | Create a Hello World Program using NetBeans

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"Write Once, Run Anywhere!" The very first step into coding in a new language, whatever programming language that it might be, that you learn is to create a Hello World Program. We'll hence do so here using NetBeans IDE. Creating such an elementary program is supposed to give you basic know-how over how to build JAVA Applications using NetBeans also. Hence lets get started...

JAVA Fundamentals | Part 1 | Installing the tools (JDK and IDEs)

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"Write Once, Run Anywhere!" The very first thing everyone should do before even picking up the book for learning Java is to setting it up on their personal computers. Why? Because setting it up not only helps you try and test the various examples as we will learn throughout the tutorials but also helps you get the necessary hands on experience with the syntax of the language. Hence, without wasting our time, lets straightforward...

Your ULTIMATE Guide to Today's Mobile Processors

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Nowadays with small chips comes great power! Hello Everyone! I came upon making this guide by searching and finding none in return myself on the internet. A few bits here and there, but not the whole package anywhere. Hence read on if you are interested in the topic like me and dont happen to find much substance over the net...

Input/Output and File Statements in MATLAB

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Input / Output is possible in various forms in MATLAB. There are numerous functions for sending data to the Standard output device (monitor) and for reading data from the standard input device (keyboard).  In MATLAB, there are three methods to assign a value to a variable: Using the assignment (=) statement Read the data from a file stored in the system Take the value as an input from the user Input() Function To accept...

Your ULTIMATE Graphic Card Purchase Guide

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Dark and Sexy, that's how they all look like! Hello Everyone!  Today's article focuses on a very HOT topic! GRAPHIC CARDS! Who doesn't want the very best silicon out there to ramp up the effects and smoke the latest titles like Batman: Arkham Origins, Battlefield 4, Splinter Cell, Crysis 3, The Witcher and tons of other games out there! So if you're going to bake in a new graphic card into your Computer chassis,...

Polynomials in MATLAB

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Expressions that contain some number of variables and constants combined using operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and whole-number exponents are called POLYNOMIALS. For example, x2 + x + 1, x3 + x2 + x + 1 In MATLAB, polynomials can be represented as row vectors. To declare a polynomial, say P(x) = 3x2 + 2x + 1, we use: P = [3, 2, 1]; Or P = [3, 2, 1]; Note that the coefficients of the variables...

Networking Hardware

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In the smooth functioning of networks, many hardware devices play an important role. These hardware devices, or in other words, Networking hardware may also be known as network equipment or computer networking devices. Hence we’ll be studying a few of them in the following sections. All these devices facilitate the use of a computer network. Specifically, they mediate data in a computer network....

Unguided Transmission Media

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Hey! I do hope you read my articles on Guided Transmission Media and Types of Transmission Media before coming to read this. If not, I'd strongly recommend you to see them. Back to the things that matter, Unguided Transmission Media! These are transmission media that are used for used when either the distances are HUGE, or the communications need no security of any kind because these forms or communications are relatively insecure as compared to Guided Transmission Media, or, the communication is a form of broadcast and...

Vectors and Matrices in MATLAB

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Matrices are the basic data elements in MATLAB. This helps to make the code shorter and easier to understand as it reduces the number of loops and repeating statements. Single variables are treated as a matrix of a single element, also called scalars. To declare a vector in MATLAB, A= [10 34 29]; %row vector (1, 3)                                    ...

Guided Transmission Media

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Hey Folks! Today this post would be, as I said in my last post, about Wired/ Guided Transmission Media Technologies. As a plain fact to remember, guided media are those where the transmissions they carry can be guided. The Ethernet cable that connects to your PC Modem? That's an example of Guided Transmission Media. The Music Player in your car that plays up songs for you from the local radio? NOT an example of Guided Transmission Media. In this case the radio waves are spread throughout the atmosphere and your car just receives...

Computer Networks: Transmission Media

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Transmission media carries the information or data from sender to receiver. When choosing the transmission media, the factors to be considered are: Transmission Rate Distances Cost and Ease of Installation Resistance to Environmental Conditions Various physical media can be used to transport a stream of bits from one device to another. Each has its own characteristics in terms of bandwidth, propagation delay, cost, and ease of installation and maintenance. Media can be generally classified as: Wired or Guided Media or...

Switching Techniques

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In large networks there might be multiple paths linking sender and receiver. Information may be switched as it travels through various communication channels. Hence for transmitting data across networks, Switching Techniques are used. These are: Circuit Switching Message Switching Packet Switching Hence lets study them in detail...

MATLAB: Operators, Constants, Variables and Expressions

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An M-File contains a set of instructions written by the user using certain words and symbols according to the syntax rules specified in MATLAB. Any MATLAB command given in the command window can be used in an M-File. MATLAB contains various features and commands that make it a widely used and preferred language. This is because Ø  It has incredibly powerful matrix and vector notations that make the coding compact. Ø  It...

Network Classification by Specialised Functions

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Welcome everyone! If you have been following my recent blog posts, you'd know that we have studied networks of various kinds by classifying them on the basis of: The respective ranges those networks have and the areas they cover. These include PAN, LAN, WLAN, MAN and WAN. The functional relationships those networks share. These include Client-Server Networks and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Networks. The way the nodes of the network are arranged to form the network. In other words, on the basis of the network topology. These...

Network Classification by Network Topology

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Welcome everyone! Following my last blog post on Network Classification based on Functional Relationships of Networks around us, is today's blog over Network Classification on the basis of their topology. To classify networks on the basis of topology, first we have to understand what topology is.   Topology is "the way in which constituent parts are interrelated or arranged".  Computer Networks can be arranged in a variety of ways, each way presenting its own advantages and disadvantages. These arrangements form...

Network Classification by Functional Relationships

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Networks can also be classified according to their respective functions and structure hierarchy. The classification that forms hence is: Networks Classified by Functional Relationship Client-Server Networks Peer-to-Peer Networks Also, we'll be studying the salient features of the Multi-tier Architecture of Client-Server Networks which I'm sure is very interesting. So let's get started!...

Some Basic Commands in MATLAB

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       MATLAB, on opening, shows 2 screens, one of which is the command window and the other is the editor. The command window is used to execute all the commands, while the editor is used to write your code. When some basic commands are entered on the command window, a result corresponding to the command is displayed. The command window can perform basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication,...

An Introduction To MATLAB

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MATLAB (short for Matrix-Laboratory) is a software package designed specifically to perform scientific computations and visualizations. It was developed by MathWorks, first released in 1984. It is an Object-Oriented Language, and contains features such as classes, inheritance etc. Besides a large variety of default built-in functions, user-defined functions can also be included and used. MATLAB includes C and C++ Math libraries that...

Classification of Computer Networks by Range

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Computer Networks can be divided into the following types on the basis of the area which they cover or in other words, on the basis of the range they have. Network Classification by Range: Personal Area Network (PAN) Local Area Network (LAN) Wireless LAN (WLAN) Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) Wide Area Network (WA...

Classification of Computer Networks

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A computer network is a system for communication among two or more computers or workstations. Computer networks can be sorted by range, functional relationship, network topology and specialized function. Hence following are the different types of networks along with the determining factors...

Types of Internet Connections

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As technology grows, so does our requirement for greater, better and speedier Internet connections. Throughout the years the way content is displayed by means of the Web has additionally changed radically. Ten years back having the capacity to show striking messages in diverse colors on a page was something to respect. Today, Flash, animations, internet gaming, video streaming, database-driven sites, e-trade are the norm. Hence following are the different Internet Connection Types as indicated by the diverse data bandwidth...

Computer Network Configurations

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Networks are established with a basic idea of what requirements they are supposed to fulfill and what type of clients they are supposed to serve. We'll look at the classification of networks on the basis of "requirements" later. In this post, me and you, are going to study about types of network configurations. These configurations are based on the type of the type of clients they are set up for. The two types of network configurations are: Point-to-Point Configuration Multipoint Configurati...

Network Design Criteria

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Every Computer Network set up needs to meet certain demands or requirements for the organization its being set up. These requirements are collectively studied under Network Criteria. The major criteria that a Data Communication Network must meet are: Performance: Performance is the defined as the rate of transferring error free data. It is measured by the Response Time. Response Time is the elapsed time between the end of an inquiry and the beginning of a response....

Relevance of Computer Networks

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Before reading this article, I advise you to read an Introduction to Computer Networking. Computer networking is important because it provides businesses and corporations with a more clear and reliable source of connection between one another. Networking all the computers in the office gives all employees access to the same materials, making it easier to provide information to company employees, as well as customers. This is especially true in customer relations and customer service positions. Computer networking eliminates...

Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy for If you require any more information or have any questions about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us at any of the options provided at the Contact Us section of About Us blog post. At, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us. This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information is received and collected by and how it is used...

About Us

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The founder of this blog is Shubham Mehta (aka TheCheesyGeek). I am a student doing my graduate studies in Computer Science Engineering from India and aim to share all the information that I learn or discover in the days to come on this blog. I hope to share and learn a lot from this experience and welcome suggestions from anyone. Your feedback is always welcome. Feel free to always contact me. And if you think you can contribute so as to take this to a higher level, in any manner whatsoever, it'll be really great to listen...

Meet your own TheCheesyGeek! :)

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"All you TechGeeks out there! Here's the chance to keep your adrenaline rush high with all the trends in the ever-changing world of technology! Keep yourself updated and let your brain do the talking!"- Sandeep Ravindra's words for us...

Introduction to Computer Networking

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A Computer Network, often simply referred to as a Network, is a group of computers and devices interconnected by communication channels that facilitate communications among users and allows users to share resources and information. In computer networks, networked computing devices pass data to each other along data connections. Network computer devices that originate, route and terminate the data are called network nodes. The connections (network links) between nodes are established using either cable media or wireless...

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