Some Basic Commands in MATLAB

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MATLAB, on opening, shows 2 screens, one of which is the command window and the other is the editor.
The command window is used to execute all the commands, while the editor is used to write your code.
When some basic commands are entered on the command window, a result corresponding to the command is displayed. The command window can perform basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, logarithm etc.

">>" is known as the command prompt. It appears automatically on every new line in the command window.

For example, when we enter "2+3" in the command window, the value 5 will be assigned to a variable.

"Ans" is a default variable, and the value is assigned to this variable if no other is specified.

>>Ans =
>> 5

A few basic commands of MATLAB are -
clock - Gives the date and time as a vector
date - gives the current date
ver - displays the current version of MATLAB installed
dir - displays files or folders in the current directory
ls - lists the files or folders in the current directory
pwd - gives the path of the present working directory
cd(path) - changes the directory to the path given inside the brackets (if the path is not specified, the directory doesn't change)
path - Gives the path to the current directory
editpath - opens a window to change the path
mkdir filename - creates a directory with the given name
copyfile filename1 filename2 - copies one file to another
who - gives the variables in the workspace (variables that are being used at present)
whos - displays the variables in the workspace with type and size
what - displays the .m,.mex and .math files

Mathematical Functions used in MATLAB - 
Some of the basic mathematical functions in MATLAB are:
sqrt(x) - to get the square root of x
exp(x) - to calculate exponent (e^x)
abs(x) - to get absolute value of x
log(x) - log base e of x
log 10(x) - log base 10 of x
factorial(x) - factorial of x
round(x) - gives the rounded value of x
ceil(x) - gives the closest integer greater than x
fix(x) - gives the closest integer lesser than x

For example,
>> 17/5
>> Ans =
>> 3.4

>> round(17/5)
>> Ans =
>> 3

>> ceil(17/5)
>> Ans =
>> 4

>> fix(17/5)
>> Ans =
>> 3

The basic commands and mathematical functions, if entered in the command window, produce the desired result. These can also be used in the text editor window as a part of a program code.


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