Creating a One and Two Dimensional Array/Matrix, Performing Arithmetic and Matrix operations

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MATLAB: The Language of Technical Computing Hello Everyone! Keeping in line with the previous group of rather diverse posts on MATLAB by one of our old partners, I'd like to continue them further with a more meaningful purpose. As in the title hence, this would be the first stepping stone in learning MATLAB from the basics :) If anyone of you would like to recap on their knowledge of MATLAB as a programming language,...

JAVA Fundamentals | Part 5 | Running JAVA programs using Command Prompt/ Terminal

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"Write Once, Run Anywhere!" Hello everyone once again! I set up the first initial posts with a hindsight of making anyone capable enough to know the jist of making and running a JAVA Program within the first few posts. Today's post is the last installment in that pursuit, teaching you how to make and run a JAVA program code WITHOUT using ANY IDE like NetBeans or Eclipse. This will surely help you if you are having troubles with downloading/installing/running...

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